Cornerstone Slogan

Technology Solutions

A CPA Firm + Technology Subsidiary = Amazing Things

Did you know Cornerstone CPA Solutions has a technology service and management subsidiary? JB Core Solutions, LLC is the information technology (IT) service company wholly owned by Cornerstone CPA. Never at any point in time has IT been more fundamental to life and business operations than it is today, and it is only encroaching more deeply into every crevice imaginable–including accounting!

Imagine combining the skill set of a CPA with that of an IT service provider. Effectively, you now can by working with both Cornerstone CPA Solutions and JB Core Solutions. Accounting and IT are more integrated than ever before. Unfortunately, while many IT service providers are certainly very technical people and can provide a very high level of technology implementation and services, not many of them have experience or knowledge of accounting and business operations to truly fulfill your needs.

What is the benefit to you? Simple, you have a firm that understands accounting and IT and can work to tailor each to your specific needs. Accordingly, no longer will there be a chasm between your accounting records and technology–instead, they will finally be unified.


As with Cornerstone, JB Core Solutions’ IT services are on-site and virtual, depending on the subject and client. Unless there is a hardware failure or a network issue, most of JB Core’s services are performed remotely. A quick overview of JB Core’s technology services:

  • Remote Support
  • Infrastructure Support
  • Networks, including Wireless
  • Phone Systems
  • Network Cabling
  • Back-up Systems
  • Hardware & Software Maintenance and Repairs
  • Custom Built Computers
  • Website Design and Development
  • Software Implementation
  • Retail Point-of-Sale Systems
  • Consultation
  • IT Management

Please visit JB Core Solution’s website to learn more about the company’s service offerings.


Technology Subsidiary JB Core Logo

You have choices. Choose wisely.

JB Core’s Phone Number:

(843) 473-3244

Cornerstone CPA Solutions operates virtually. Accordingly, we are leveraging our simple and secure client portal, electronic payment system, and other technology to render services. Please contact us if special accommodations need to be considered concerning utilization of our technology platforms.
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